Why should you invest in Dubai?

1. A place for everyone. Dubai (and the UAE) is home to about 200 nationalities from around the world. The entire world has 223 nationalities. This is 89% of the world nationalities in one country.
2. World-Class Infrastructure. The UAE has world-class infrastructure ranked #1 regionally and #16 globally as of 2021.

3. Education. The UAE ranks #11 according to Global Knowledge Index (GKI) issued by the UN. This index assesses seven sub-indices, chosen both for their correlative interactive relationships and their centrality to the process of cognitive and developmental progress.
4. World-Class Healthcare. Dubai Healthcare City (DHCC) is the world's first business park/cluster of 20 Million Sq.Ft devoted to healthcare. It was created to meet the demand for high-quality, patient-centered healthcare, and the main aim is to attract tourists to Dubai for medical services and treatments.
5. Safety & Crime Rate. The United Arab Emirates in one of the safest countries in the world. 3 Cities in the UAE are ranked from the top 10 safesiest cities & lowest crime rate in the world. Based on Numbeo Safety Index 2022. You can leave your computer in the coffee ship unattended and nothing happens.
6. Tax-Free Country. There is no income tax. No Capital Appreciation Tax. And very reasonable Corporate Tax program that is being introduced in 2023.
7. Cost of Living. According to DataJam which is one of the biggest independant crowdsourcing websites in the world, the cost of living in Dubai is 47% less expensive than New York, 31% less expensive than London, 17% less expensive than Toronto.
8. Living Standard. Dubai is ranked 5th in the list of Expats, as the best place to live and work globally. This is a survey done by InterNations survey - A community of 4.4 Million members from around the world.
9. Geography. Location of Dubai made it very easy to position it as the connecting dot between the East and the West at the center of the globe. 31% of the world's population with 11% of the global GDP is a 4-hour flight away from Dubai. 76% of the world's population with 53% of global GDP is an 8-hour flight away from Dubai.
10. Freezones. Dubai leadership understood the importance of attracting global businesses and took the initiative in the 1980s to establish Freezones within Dubai. Simply put, Freezones are specially allocated areas where companies from around the world could setup businesses with special privilages that were never offered anywhere else in the world.
11. Global Base. UAE (Dubai in particular) has offices for 196 companies out of Fortune 500 companies.
12. Business Attraction. In 2021, Dubai alone issued 72,152 new business licenses which is 69% higher than 2020. This means that over the next year or two, we are going to see people moving to Dubai and settling in. If we do the math on 4 employees per business license, we are expecting 288,608 new people to move into Dubai - which is a very conservative number.
13. Pro-Active Government. The country ranked: First globally on the ‘Absence of Bureaucracy’, Second on the ‘Adaptability of Government Policy’ indicators, in the IMD World Competitiveness Yearbook, Third on the ‘Government Responsiveness to Change’, and Fourth the ‘Government Long-term Vision’ indicators, according to the Global Competitiveness Report issued by the World Economic Forum (WEF)
14. Ministry of Tolerance & Coexistence. The only country in the world that has the Ministry of Tolerance. UAE leadership created Ministry of Tolerance & Coexistence with a vision to promote tolerance, peace, security and multiculturalism. Thanks to such initiatives, Dubai is home to more than 200 nationaoities that live in peace together.
15. Residency Programs. The UAE introduced the golden-visa program for investors who are looking to get a long-term reisdency visa through property investment worth AED 750K or above, with a maximum of 50% of the property value is under mortgage. In case of jointly owned properties, investors are eligible to apply if each individual's share is worth at least AED 750k
16. Long Term Vision. (Dubai Vision 2040) The Master Plan consistens of five main urban centres (three existing and two new centres). The goal is to support the growth of economic sectors and increased job opportunities.
17. Highly Competitive Real Estate Prices. Dubai is considered a very highly competitive market compared to global cities in the world like New York, Hong Kong, London, Paris, Singapore and Tokyo.
18. Population. Dubai Population is expected to double over the next 20 years.
19. Undersupply. With Dubai population expected to increase to the double in 7 years, and the number of new business licenses issued in 2021 alone, there is a shortage in supply in the market.
20. Attractive Yields. Properties in Dubai earn between 5-8% ROI per annum compared to other maturing markets like London and New York